Sunday 13 July 2014

Black Sabbath

Headliner: Black Sabbath
Venue: Hyde Park
Date: 4 July 2014
Support: Various

Which ever way you look at it Black Sabbath are legends and their sound was genre defining, today they were playing in Hyde Park to 55000 people.

Today was wan all day thing and it was hot, very hot....  Hyde Park had been transformed into some weird village type place with fake buildings and a massive stage

The Bots

First up today The Bots seen these before two young brothers who make a right racket and they were playing in one of the smaller tented venues.  They were ace one girl seemed to pass out from the heat in their and this was only 2pm.


After The Bots had finished and the need to get some fresh air I caught the end of Soulflys set including a couple of Sepultura covers including Arise and Roots Bloody Roots, bloke in front of me was going absolutely mental during these.

It was still hot and getting even hotter...

Next up on the main stage was Motorhead

Now I've never been a big Motorhead fan and well kind of feel they are band that people seem to have an affinity to without really liking them, I feel they are iconic for their image but not for their music and besides Ace Of Spades I probably couldn't tell you another song.

As you can guess I'm not really a fan and thought they were a bit rubbish, they sounded very dated.

It was still stupidly hot...

Next up

Faith No More

Well what can you say about Faith No More, I think everyone growing up in the 90's and into alternative music probably owned a copy of Angel Dust.

With the stage covered in flowers they came on and launched into Zombie Eaters followed by The Real Thing and Epic before doing my favourite FNM song The gentle art of making enemies, followed by my least favourite FNM song Easy.

Towards the end of the set we were greeted to a brand new song and then they were gone followed by another brand new song for the encore finishing up with We Care a lot.

New songs hopefully means new album and a proper tour.


Next up Soundgarden who came on stage and announced that they would be playing the iconic Superunknown straight through which obviously would mean no Rusty Cage or Jesus Christ Pose.

Mike McCready from Pearl Jam joined them to play guitar on Superunknown, and that along with the likes of Black Hole Sun, The Day I tried to live and spoonman sounded ace.

I would have kind of just preferred a normal set though to be honest.

Black Sabbath

It was Sabbath time!!

The heat of they day had subsided and the darkness was setting in when Ozzy came over the pa said a few words and then laughed down the mic, as sabbath came on the air raid sirens sounded the big screens flashed images of planes and missiles and then der de...Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses... it was sabbath time.

playing a few classics on the way and ending with Children of the Grave before returning for the obvious encore of Paranoid with almost everyone in the crowd singing along.

They are getting no younger and their is talk of this possibly being the last ever Black Sabbath show and I'm happy I got to see them.

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